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Friday, May 10, 2013

New Super Mario

New Super Mario 1.2's Description

Evil King Bowser captured Princess, mario needs to save her from him.

!!MUST Have Adobe Flash 10.1 for Android!!
!!High End Android Device ONLY!!
Author: S0FTEND0

NOTE: Tap on Game Screen, When 'Press Space to MENU' Appears to Get Controls to Work. (Press Space After You Tap).

Sequel to Eternal Mario Land....theres Yet Another Great Variation of Super Mario Brothers. Evil King Bowser captured Princess, mario needs to save her (once and once forever again).
- Use Arrows to Move and Control
- Up To Jump, Down to Kneel Down
- Space to Start Game, and Shoot Fireballs

Ported from the Original Flash Game

New Super Mario 1.2's Screenshots




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